
Course Description

Align your company’s direction with compensation plans that motivate starting with your president’s compensation philosophy. This course address the variable pay plans, salary structures, market pricing, exempt/non-exempt status, merit grids, incentive plans, guidelines and budgets, and auditing the dollar distribution (ROI). An overview of the Wage and Hour Law (FLSA), the new federal (Ledbetter Act) laws and Equal Pay Act, will also be covered. The benefit section addresses Affordable Care Act future healthcare costs, industry providers (Brokers, TPA, and Vendors) an overview of defined benefit/contribution ERISA laws, HSA’s and HRA’s, 401K/403b Savings Plan, and Roth IRA’s will also be covered. Participants will receive a Certificate of Completion. Approved for 7 recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR, and GPHR recertification
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